The end is nigh and, I for one, wish I could extend my thanks to President Obama. He may not have accomplished everything he hoped for eight years ago however his presidency was largely successful. Our economy has recovered, unemployment is is lower than it has been in decades, and he set an example for all of us to follow. He is a caring, sincere, eloquent, and good man. We could all hope comport ourselves as well as he has under the extreme pressure of the leader of our nation. He was under fire from the moment he was elected until the very last hours. Time will tell us what his lasting legacy will be but I have all the information I need. Thank you, President Obama. Thank you for leading with dignity, class, and restraint. Thank you for setting an example of how marriage and family life can be balanced and loving even while holding down a demanding and stressful career. Just thank you for being you.
Speaking of work, back to mine...
- 486 calories burned
- 31 minutes spent moving my bottom
- 8,373 steps taken
- 4.15 miles covered