Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2,017 reasons this will be a good year.  How about I just start with the top 5 and then work my way up as the year progresses?

Reasons to jump for joy:

  1. I'm still circling the sun.
  2. I have a hunky husband.
  3. I have a goofy and delightful daughter.
  4. My dog is smelly, protective, and just plain lovable...even when he eats the crayons.
  5. I'm on my way to making my goals.

Speaking of #squadgoals (because I'm cool like that!)

  1. Complete the 2,017 in 2017
  2. Do a half marathon with my ladies.  The Kauai one sounds lovely right about now!
  3. Do more fun "code" projects for the challenge
Workout data:
  • 722 calories burned
  • 72 minutes spent moving my bottom
  • 13,096 steps taken
  • 6.43 miles covered
Sleep:  never enough
Food:  too much but oh so good

Overall:  It was a good day.  I didn't get enough done for work (doesn't matter how many hours I work, I still have more to do).  I got to hang out with my family and eat a delicious meal.  My daughter spun around in circles; clapping, singing, and high-fiving happily.  Side note:  she gets really excited about touchdowns - like REALLY excited.  Yep, raising her right :)

Around the town:
Clemson took down 'Bama in the National Championship game on a TD pass with 1 second left on the clock.  Final score:  35-31

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