“Get used to being nothing more than a mom for the next eighteen years”
“You’re a mother now, that should be your focus”
Software engineer, triathlete and proud wife, daughter and sister. Racing to raise funds and awareness for the MS Society.
“Get used to being nothing more than a mom for the next eighteen years”
“You’re a mother now, that should be your focus”
Today I completed the Run for Water 10 miler. Yep, 10 miles not the more common 10K. It’s not quite a half marathon but significantly longer than the 6.2 of the 10K. I am coming off a bout with the flu (thanks Primrose preschoolers!) so my goal was to finish in a relatively slow time. What I didn’t anticipate were the hills on the course. It was a lot more challenging physically than I expected. In comes the mental tenacity to finish no matter what. I was feeling (relatively) good through 7 miles. Apparently tackling all the hills and keeping on pace came back to get me in those last 3. 8 was miserable, 9 was decent and 10 was a mental challenge just to keep putting one foot in front of the other. The good news - I finished and earned my piece of the magnet! The bad news - I was over 5 minutes slower than my drop-dead-this-is-the-slowest-I-should-ever-go pace. Hey - I could have stayed in bed, taking advantage of that extra hour instead of burning off 1400 calories. 😉
Inner mile dialog
Mile 1-nice one - jogging along nicely with my new friend Rachel
Mile 2-a little slower but still good company
Mile 3-well that was a little steep
Mile 4-still moving good
Mile 5-halfway! Might as well finish since it’s as far back as forward
Mile 6-holy hills but that one felt like it went by fast
Mile 7-phew still on pace and only steps behind the group I have been leapfrogging with
Mile 8-oh man, that one hurt. Slightly off pace now
Mile 9-that was better and it’s not like going slow makes it less painful
Mile 9.1-crap, it seems like a long way to the end
Mile 9.5-oh bother.
Mile 9.8-Can’t even see the finish line - are they still there?
Mile 10-hallelujah, where’s the ice bath?
Mile 10.1-of course they put the Austin Distance Challenge tent at then end! Ha!