Sunday, November 4, 2018

Sometimes it’s a mental game

Today I completed the Run for Water 10 miler.  Yep, 10 miles not the more common 10K.  It’s not quite a half marathon but significantly longer than the 6.2 of the 10K.  I am coming off a bout with the flu (thanks Primrose preschoolers!) so my goal was to finish in a relatively slow time.  What I didn’t anticipate were the hills on the course.  It was a lot more challenging physically than I expected.  In comes the mental tenacity to finish no matter what.  I was feeling (relatively) good through 7 miles.  Apparently tackling all the hills and keeping on pace came back to get me in those last 3.  8 was miserable, 9 was decent and 10 was a mental challenge just to keep putting one foot in front of the other.  The good news - I finished and earned my piece of the magnet!  The bad news - I was over 5 minutes slower than my drop-dead-this-is-the-slowest-I-should-ever-go pace.  Hey - I could have stayed in bed, taking advantage of that extra hour instead of burning off 1400 calories.  ðŸ˜‰

Inner mile dialog

Mile 1-nice one - jogging along nicely with my new friend Rachel

Mile 2-a little slower but still good company

Mile 3-well that was a little steep

Mile 4-still moving good 

Mile 5-halfway!  Might as well finish since it’s as far back as forward

Mile 6-holy hills but that one felt like it went by fast

Mile 7-phew still on pace and only steps behind the group I have been leapfrogging with

Mile 8-oh man, that one hurt.  Slightly off pace now

Mile 9-that was better and it’s not like going slow makes it less painful

Mile 9.1-crap, it seems like a long way to the end

Mile 9.5-oh bother.

Mile 9.8-Can’t even see the finish line - are they still there?

Mile 10-hallelujah, where’s the ice bath?

Mile 10.1-of course they put the Austin Distance Challenge tent at then end!  Ha!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Races Galore!

I am going out with a bang in 2018!  I have signed up for a LOT of races in the next 3 months - both to promote my new business and to get myself in shape.  Hopefully I'm still able to walk when the ball drops at midnight.  Plus I already have some races on my 2019 calendar too!

So...if you need me, check out the local park, gym treadmill, or catch me at one of the races :) 



*Events in bold orange are Iron Foot Racing sponsored runs/walks.  It's my new super awesome virtual racing business that raises money for charity.  Check it out -  Iron Foot Racing.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

1 year later

Wow, what a difference a year makes.  We are living in Austin, TX which makes my head, heart, and soul happy.  No more surprise drop-ins, no more 8 months of rainy and grey weather, and a ton less stress.  There are so many other perks that will keep for another day.

It was 70 and sunny today.  I worked, we planted some flowers and shrubs, and I got a run in.  I also was fortunate enough to speak to some kids about my career.  Nothing makes me happier than sharing I am a software engineer with the next generation.  #ladyengineersrock :)

Move:  814 calories
Exercise:   46 minutes
Steps:  12,181
Run:  2.5 miles